PFB # 7: Video 411: My Daughter and Me

Thanks to the generosity of readers and judges, here I am, in Challenge # 7 of this Project Food Blog Contest, organized by Foodbuzz...the "dreaded" video..! Blogging is a solo game...we just need a computer, a camera, a kitchen and our cooking skills..but for a video we need not only someone else, but preferably someone who knows how to film, how to edit...a good there I said: "That's it..Game over for you, Cristina"
But a voice said: "No way, are NOT alone have me. I'm gonna help you, and we will succeed!"
Et oui !! I had forgotten that 15 years ago, God send me an angel that I named Camila...

This photo pictures this special moment in her life, her hesitation between "femme fatale" with her leopard foulard, and her "childish" concentration for measuring mathematically and geometrically the place where the straw should be for sipping the last drop of her drink..
In France, it was "la Toussaint": one week and a half of school vacation. Yet my Camilita devoted hours to her mum, to the video of her mum...she was my film director, editor, producer, music director...she even did my French manicure !! But more important, she, with her 15 young years, supported me when I lost faith...when I discouraged at seeing that everybody seemed to have friends who were video editors and had great cameras....
So there I realised that I had already won....independently from passing to Challenge # 8 or not, I had already won the most precious reward and award...Since in our memories, we will always remember the day we made this "super-team" for a dream, for a common project...

And wait until she starts blogging !!! Because this little lady really has talent in the kitchen!!

Here comes our "joint venture"...I hope you enjoy it!!

Music: Originally, my daughter and I had chosen as soundtrack for this video, a song that I love.."Le toi de Moi" by Mrs Carla Bruni Sarkozy...beautiful song, so sweet and sensual, at the same time...Then due to royalty reasons, we had to choose this one, from Royal Free Music...and my video lost part of its original charm !!! I am sure, if Mrs Bruni  had known about this contest, and my French-Italian (also Argentinian) lamb chops, she would have gladly given us permission to include it...Dommage !!! (what a pity!)

If you consider that my work (or rather I should say our work ) merits passing on to Challenge # 8, don't forget to vote for me here, as from Monday 15th. Thanks a lot!!!

If you want more details about our Lamb Chops, with Chimichurri Sauce, Darphin Potatoes, Provolone Cheese and Red Bell Pepper Emulsion, see below..

For these Lamb Chops, with Chimichurri Sauce, Darphin Potatoes, Provolone Cheese and Red Bell Pepper Emulsion, you will need:

* lamb chops, 4 * potatoes, 3, peeled * red-bell peppers, 2 *cream, 50gr * olive oil *alfalfa sprouts (just for decoration), salt & pepper * nutmeg * provolone cheese,80gr
* for the chimichurri sauce, see here
 (Yield: 2 servings) 


Cherine said…
You and your daughter are so cute! And the video is excellent!! Great job! Will definitely vote for you and hope you win :)
fromBAtoParis said…
@ Cherine

Thank you !! Much appreciated!
Miriam said…
So cool!! Loved everything, the music, the editing with the beautiful footnotes, the plating of the dish and even the script. Your girl knows what she's doing! And of course, the dish... I love provolone and chimichurri. Good luck, I will again vote for you!
fromBAtoParis said…

Muuuuuchas gracias! Sos una amiga fiel !!!
fromBAtoParis said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
A great video and a magnificent dish! You and your daughter are very pretty.


fromBAtoParis said…
@ Rosa's Yummy Yams

Thank you Rosa !! Thanks Switzerland!
Krissy said…
Beautiful job! Felt like I was in Paris for a few minutes. Looks delicious.
fromBAtoParis said…
@ Krissyp

Thank you Krissy. Glad to have made you travel!
Your video is my absolute favorite! You keep my attention the whole entire time and all of the food looks AMAZING! The food is just SO beautiful! OH my are you talented in the kitchen. Great job and you have my vote!! :)
fromBAtoParis said…
@ Gingerbread Bagels

Thank you Lindsey! You cheer me up!! It's hard not to feel a bit discouraged when one sees so much video technique in some other entries !!!
Mardi Michels said…
What a fun collaborative effort! So great to hear your beautiful voice and see your daughter. Delicious looking recipes too! Good luck!
fromBAtoParis said…

Thank you Mardi !! Best of luck to you, too!
Belinda @zomppa said…
What a lovely video. I love the friendship you have with your daughter. I am sure Ms. Bruni would approve!
fromBAtoParis said…

Thank you, Belinda!
Amelia PS said…
que bueno! preciosa collaboration con tu hija :) Buena suerte! (La musica me gusta tanbien)
fromBAtoParis said…
@ Amelia:

Gracias !!! y buena suerte para vos, también !!!
Unknown said…
How wonderful!! It will definitely be an experience you and your daughter won't ever forget. What amazing skills she has at such a young age! I'm rooting for you, hope you make it to the next round, you've got my vote!
You and your daughter are precious! Just amazing Christina {as always}! Beautifully done!
fromBAtoParis said…
@Lost inCheeseland

Thank you Lindsey !! Very kind of you!!


Thank you Paula !! Good luck to you too !! You are a great cook!
Anonymous said…
Well done, Christina! You make it look so easy! Count on my vote!
Wonderful video! The music is charming, even if not your original choice ;) And now I know what the great Cristina sounds like....

Anonymous said…
You are so cute!!! What a delightful video--wonderful job!

(And obviously the food looks divine).
fromBAtoParis said…

Thanks! That's the show that a "restaurant look" can be easy to make!!

@ Quickies on the Dinner Table

Can't wait to see YOU on video now!!! Thanks!!

@ The Manhattan Food Project

Thank you !! It's for you: chimichurri lovers!! ;D
Trish said…
Really well done. The dish is gorgeous. Even though it wasn't Carla's music, I still enjoyed the music - nice and subtle. This video makes me miss Paris very much. Good luck with PFB!
I love it. I grew up in Argentina too. Say hello to me at
Anonymous said…
I was so looking forward to this post. Your daughter is lovely and I enjoyed the view from your terrace. This is definitely a winner and estoy loca por votar. Suerte!
fromBAtoParis said…
@ Trish:

Thanks! you have family here? Come visit soon!

@ Nourish the spirit:

Gracias Vera! Excelente blog el tuyo!

@ Norma:
Gracias Norma !!! Yo también estoy loca por qque me voten!! ;D
Chef Chuck said…
Hello Cristina, I am so impressed, you are right you have already won!
Your daughter is beautiful, and she also has talent. You looked great! You should do it more often. Thanks for sharing.
@ Chef Chuck

Tante grazie, Chuck!

@ Lisa Orgler

Thanks a lot!
Stella said…
Cristina! I loved you and your daughter's video-it was too cute. Oh, and I'm totally going to make potato that way this weekend and do something pretty with it and you sauce;) By the way, the music you chose was nice and very fitting. I don't know Bruni's song, but I knwo how you feel losing the original perfection. It was still great though. I will log on Sunday to vote too!
Marcella said…
How lovely Cristina. And your daughter is adorable. You two make a great team and did a wonderful job. :)
FOODalogue said…
Very nicely done Cristina. The plated food is beautiful.

P.S. I love that tool you used to flip the potatoes!
very nice, I enjoyed in pictures and video, you and your daughter both looks so lovely, the food looks perfect. you did your best.
good luck darling.
Delishhh said…
Ohh Cristina - I loved your video, love the background music and your accent too :) It really was great and very personable. Nice work!
Fran said…
Wonderful video and beautiful plating of a delicious-looking meal! Good luck! Those galettes look scrumptious and the provolone is a perfect topping. Like provoleta with potatoes. That sounds so great.
Claudia said…
I amn not only totally charmed but will defintely make this - you have made it so accessible. I am watching this feeling sentimental as it is my daughter's 22nd birthday and watching you with yours - well that trumps all food and challenges. But you danced through the challenge beautifully.
fromBAtoParis said…
@ Witchy Kitchen
Muchas gracias mi Stellita!

Thanks! How are you getting along in the new project?


Thanks a lot! So kind of you!
Barbara said…
What a marvelous video! I felt as though I was in Paris with you. (Wish I could be!) And now I feel as though I know you.
Lovely recipe, beautifully made and presented; lovely must be so proud of her.
Of course I'm voting for you!
Anonymous said…
I loved your video, I love your daughter, and I love your accent (it is positively darling :), you sound so cute and French)... oh and of course, i love the food daaaaaaaaaaahling. You most definitely have my vote!!!!
*kisses* HH
Unknown said…
Cristina, I love your video, maybe it's hormonal, I don't know why but it made me start to cry to see you cooking and speaking in your video. It was just so touching and your plate was so delicious and beautiful. Congratulations and good luck:)
fromBAtoParis said…
@ Pacheco Patty

Oh thank you Patty !!! But it's not hormonal...It's just that we spend such a long time of our life reading certain bloggers that when we see them, we feel moved!
I would like to see YOU!
Lots of love,
~Lisa~ said…
Lovely video. Your dish is beautiful and the video did a great job featuring how to make and plate your delicious dish. Good luck!
Torviewtoronto said…
delicious video full meal
What a lovely video - it is wonderful to see a paris kitchen and how well you use the space. The dish looks divine and I wish you the best of luck in challenge #7!!
Ron Merlin said…
I'm with FoodBuzz also and was eliminated a long time ago from the competition.

But, your presentation of the meal on this post is beautiful. The plating and photography make me envious.

Good Luck.

Anonymous said…
Excellent video!! Music was a great touch. Great job, congrats!! I love the plating especially. You should do videos on plating if it isn't too overwhelming with all the work that goes into post-production. I would tune in regularly for that. Or videos of you shopping for produce in Parisian markets!! Looking forward to voting.
Jean said…
I've been charmed by you and your daughter. Frankly, I think you two make a wonderful team. So sweet that she encouraged you to do this together and how nicely done! The dish is beautiful and I didn't notice anything lacking by your alternate choice of music. Congrats! :-)
aww, you and your daughter are so cute! great job on your video - the dish looks incredible! good luck! :)
kath said…
Lovely video - you have my vote! I have enjoyed your blog; it's fun to see and hear you!
fromBAtoParis said…
@The Veggie:

Thank you!! Hadn't thought of that!


A million thanks!! I'm so grateful to you!
Aledzi said…
Wow! Fantastic!
Gabriel said…
Con este plato, no tenés otra alternativa que ganar. Verlo nos dio hambre! (y acabamos de desayunar)
Anonymous said…
Hello C & C !

Just got back from Normandy and my first move was to dash to the computer and discover your video and the 54 messages (already !) Sorry I'm so late !
You're so professional, both of you, and I mean it. What you managed to convey (and make) in such little time, with such (apparent ?) coolness and such maestria is just incredible. Bravisimo ! I swear I will feel ashamed to go on with my own cooking group - you've ruined me !!!!!
Looking forward to seeing you right through to the top.
David said…
Those photos are way cool. You look beautiful. You deserved the dish.
Winnie said…
Gorgeous video! I don't even like lamb but yours looks amazing. Love that you did this with your daughter, too :)
Peggy said…
What a beautiful dish and so glad that you and your daughter could team up for such a special thing! Can't wait to vote for you on Monday!
Hot Polka Dot's Mom said…
Thank you for bringing a piece of Paris into my home. Your plating is so creative and attractive. You and your daughter did an amazing job. Felicitations!
Diana said…
Te pasaste Cris! Ese plato "mata"..!
fromBAtoParis said…

You will always be "la maestra" and I enjoy so much attending your excellent classes! You are also relaxed, calm, dressed like a lady (that you are!), confident AND, most important, unpretentious !!! That's hard to find! AND you were the first French lady that showed real interest in me, and I will NEVER forget that !!
Diana Bauman said…
I loved the teamwork and recipe. Beautiful post and delicious recipe. I'm definitely voting for you tomorrow! Best wishes Christina :D
Aldy said…
Cristina, Amazingly Inspiring!!! Just loved it... the music, presentation, the dish! Great job. APLAUSOS!!! BRAVO...BRAVO... y tu nena una muñequita :)

Abrazotes, from New Zealand, Aldy :)

PS:Y el Chimichurri de 10. Cuando lo provaste con el pan frances...Mira mi estomago gritaba de las ganas :)
Lizzy said…
Well who said you don't know to video...Its awesome...
Mariko said…
That looks so amazing! I learned a lot just watching you plate.
fromBAtoParis said…
@ Everybody:

Thanks a lot!! You are so generous!!
Love the fact that you did this with your daughter. Looks delicious - good luck in this round.
Butter said…
I just love this post. You wrote such a beautiful opening about your daughter.You make a great team - I LOVED the video! Impressive.
I can see you guys on the road with this - you are a natural in front of the camera. Really.
:) Good job and I voted for sure.
Isabelle said…
Great video. Looks like your daughter inherited her fair share of her mother's creative talents! How wonderful that the two of you were able to bond through this challenge.
Good luck with this round. You've got my vote! :)
Love it! You two are adorable!

...just voted!
david said…
TOUR work merits. Every should vote for you.
Miriam said…
Yo ya hice mis tareas ;D
You got my vote!
What a beautiful plate! And the recipes showcase your rich heritage perfectly. I'm happy your daughter was there to cheer you up and allow us to enjoy you on video! You had nothing to worry about, you're very natural and it's a great opportunity to get to know you. Great job!
Karen said…
I loved this video! The meal looks wonderful and plated so pretty. I'm not familiar with your original music, but I thought the music on this was just perfect!
Mhel said…
You have a lovely daughter! You two look cute together...

Love your video. ITs like watching "La Dolce Vita" the French way...

I always adored your recipes, and specifically your plating! I love how you presented your dish in a fantastic and fancy way, but in a fun, playful, and cheerful manner. You are very creative! I am surprised that the ingredients are simple and always readily available in the kitchen; and also novice-friendly, in other words, unpretentious and not snobbish. I suggest that you should tackle topics about plating dish from time to time.What do you think? You definitely have my vote!
Asha @ FSK said…
Christina, this is such a charming video. I don't know why you had even a moment of doubt at all!! but, it's nice that it gave the perfect opportunity for Camila to blossom and be the perfect daughter :))))) Wonderful video and you have my vote! :) HUGS
The Duo Dishes said…
Best of luck. You are doing great in this competition!
fromBAtoParis said…
@ Everybody

Thanks!!! What a great way to start my morning!
Dear Cristina,
You have no reason to feel discouraged. You, your daughter and your video - all three are beautiful. Your sweet daughter is absolutely right to have faith in you. I know how easy it is to feel nervous with all the excellent bloggers out there. But I believe if you've put in all the work and done the best you can, that's all you can really do - after that, let the chips fall where they may. Enough philosophy - you get a big thumbs-up and my vote : )
P.S. Love the pic of your daughter and your description with the Minute Maid bottle.
Lori Lynn said…
Absolutely love it! Great choice, excellent combination of flavors. That meal would be a big hit around here!
Bonne chance, my friend!
Love your video! I feel like I'm right there with you in Paris. Your plating is beautiful and so colourful. Good luck to you!
Magic of Spice said…
How very wonderful that your daughter worked on this with you...a talented and lovely young lady :)
Wonderfully done Cristina!
Nancy said…
Your daughter (like her Mother) is beautiful. She is a wonderful young lady to have supported you the way she did. Your video, everything about it is perfect! The food is delicious, but no surprises there. I loved all your little tips and seeing you. I'm so thrilled you didn't give up Cristina, never don't!
Lana said…
I missed my daughter so much when I read your words about your "hija" encouraging you and giving you the strength to move on. Your video is a great joint effort.
The food looks delectable, the presentation is professional, and I just loved your natural flair:)
Good luck!
Unknown said…
You both did a FANTASTIC job on this video. The dish is beautiful, and the editing is great!
Adelina said…
That was just the cutest video. Not only do I love you now, but your beautiful daughter too! You are such an inspiration. I am glad I saw your video after I ate.... I don't think I could have sat through the video if I was hungry. I felt like I was smelling the oregano and the lamb straight from my computer. Best of luck to you!!!
@ Everybody:

Thank you SO much for your support! You are just wonderful !!
sara826 said…
Absolutely beautiful!
Las Argentinitas are rockin' the house! Well done! :)
Liren said…
Cristina, I really, really enjoyed this! You and your daughter are beautiful and make such a good team. And now I have a strong craving for chimichurri sauce.
@ Sara
@Daydreamer Desserts

Thank you girls!!
Patricia said…
Dear Cris!
Congrats! Your blog is awesome! I loved your video. Camila is so beautiful. I really understand how you feel about her because it is the same way I feel about my daughter! Whenever I teach the expression "a turning point in one´s life" I always tell my students about your case. I do believe that having settled down in Paris once again has been a turning point in your life. I have joined Foodbuzz just to vote for you!
All the best!!
fromBAtoParis said…

Thank you Patito for your words!! and your blog is amazing too!!! There should be more blogs devoted to teachers...GREAT teachers like you!!
eataduckimust said…
i always love your recipes and it was so great to see you on video. can we come visit you?? :)
fromBAtoParis said…
@ Eatduckimust:

Sure!! Any time!!!
Sharon said…
Your daughter is beautiful...A great help she was right?