My Panettone...for My Girls !!!

When I was a little girl, in my not-yet globalized Argentina, my mother used to buy panettone for Christmas (yes, my mother was not a baker!) I hated this panettone, because it was full of candied fruit! I would never eat it, only when I was too hungry...and then I would leave the trail of candied fruits, neatly lined around the plate!  

And my girls do exactly the same! Et oui! , it all carries over to the next generation ! So I decided to make this panettone with the flavors my girls like: scents of orange and lemon, caramelized almonds, cashew nuts, and chocolate! and "mucho, pero mucho" (lots!) of royal glaçage...because my girls adore that!! and some "pearls" of course, because they are chic their mother ;D

Making  a panettone is simple, but it requires time! The key to a successful panettone lies also in mastering baking time...If you bake it long time, it will be dry!! so don't follow strictly the minutes indicated in a recipe..Check with a thin wooden soon as it comes out dry, remove the panettone from the oven....

I allow my girls, as an exception, and because it is Christmas, to drink a tiny bit of cider with it !! in the tall champagne flutes !!! Nothing is more festive, and nothing makes Christmas "more Christmas".....

than this sweet Italian bread, the bubbles of cider....and the expectation of presents to be opened when the clock strikes twelve!!
Happy Christmas to all and each of you!! 

PS: left-overs (I'm being optimistic!) can be used for French toast, or a bread pudding accompanied of "zabaglione".

For the recipe, see below...

To make this Panettone, you will need:

* raisins, 80gr * lemon, 1, zested * orange, 1, zested * milk, 125ml *active dried yeast, 1 level tblsp *granulated sugar, 55gr *all purpose flour, 450gr *salt, 1/2 tsp * egg, 1 * egg yolk, honey, 1tbsp *vanilla extract, 2tbsp *butter, 75gr *chocolate, 100gr, coarsely cut
For the glazing: *egg white, 1 *icing sugar *lemon juice, 1 teaspoon

Preheat your oven 170°C. Put the raisins in a cup with hot water. Give them 30' to plump up. 
Then drain them and dry them with paper. Warm the milk and add the yeast plus 1 tbsp of the sugar. Stir well and allow the yeast to activate and form a foam (5')  Put the flour with the remaining sugar, and the salt in the bowl of your stand mixer with the dough hook. Make a well in the middle and add the egg and yolk, the butter, and the yeast. Mix for 5' until the dough is smooth and slightly sticky. Add more flour if too sticky. Finally add the raisins and the zests. Mix again. Flour slightly your work surface. Knead for some minutes (3') Shape the dough into a ball, and place it in a bowl. Cover it with plastic film. Leave in a warm place. Allow to double in size. This might take 1 or 2 hours. Flour your work surface again. Knead the dough for another minute, adding now the chocolate pieces. Make a ball again and place inside an oiled (sunflower) baking tin (preferably taller than thicker) Again, allow it to rise until double in size. Brush the top of your panettone with egg was (one yolk with a tiny bit of milk) Using a knife, make a cross, and allow it to rise for another 15'
Bake your panettone in the lowest section of your oven, for about 35'. Use the wooden stick to check. Remove it from the oven and let cool in the tim for 5'. Then place in a cooling rack.
Pour the royal glaçage on it. Decorate with caramelized almonds, cashew nuts, and edible pearls (To make the royal glaçage: beta the egg white, then add progressively the icing sugar, the lemon until you have the desired consistence: neither too runny, nor too thick


Jean said…
That is the most elegant panettone I've ever seen! I bet there won't be leftovers for french toast!
fromBAtoParis said…

Thank you Jean, and thanks for all your support in the contest AND Happy Holidays!!!
Cherie City said…
This looks so delicious! I've never thought of icing a Pannetone, what a great idea.
Joyeux Noel!
Cherine said…
Looks like a gourmand version of Panettone! It looks almost too pretty to eat :)
Merry Christmas!
FOODalogue said…
What a great panettone - I prefer all those nuts and chocolate and those little pearls are just so precious.

Feliz Navidad...Joyeux Noel...Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Miriam said…
Wow, it looks terrific indeed! Another big hit, Cristina.
A splendid panettone! This treat is best when homemade.

Happy holidays and merry Christmas!


Anonymous said…
CanI be one of your girls...please.
Anonymous said…
Oh me too! When I was a little girl, my grandmother used to make this eastern European version of biscotti called mandel bread. It had candied fruit in it, I used to hate them. Now I like them a lot though. And I looooooove panatone! Yours is honestly the most beautiful version I've ever seen. I wish you would make me one :D
Have a wonderful and happy holiday with your family dahling.
*kisses* HH
Sippity Sup said…
Merry Christmas to you. Your artful creation defines the holiday! GREG
Ester said…
De sólo mirar el post acabo de añadir 30 minutos más a mi rutina de cardio...;)
fromBAtoParis said…
@ Everybody:

Thanks you so much for the kind comments, and Happy Christmas !!!
Ciao Chow Linda said…
Now THaT is a panettone I could get excited about.
Stella said…
Oh Cristina! I just saw this in my inbox-so beautiful! I love Panettone ever since I worked at a little Italian Trattoria in Atlanta, Ga. It's my favorite Christmas treat-hands down;)
p.s. I used to take those overly sweet candied fruits out of anything that had them. I think they're radioactive (smile).
I agree, hard pieces of candied fruit are my least favorite part of panettone, I much prefer real dried fruit. Your panettone is a refined and and elegant version of a classic holiday bread, just beautiful.
I LOVE Panettone. Yours is the most beautiful Panettone I have ever seen. It's just stunning! I love how you added chocolate in the bread and then put nuts on top. Oh my how I would love to devour this! :)
fromBAtoParis said…

You made me laugh, but you are right !!! They must be radio-active!! ;D
Unknown said…
This is one amazing panetonne! It's so chic, just like you and your daughters... And I'm a total sucker for the sugar pearls on top! Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Amelia PS said…
Cristina: you are elegance personified! The topping look delightful not only for the look (those pearls...!) but also for teh taste. The chocolate addition is so perfect: how could have no one have thought of it before? c'est genial! and I agree that the store-bought versions do not have the same fragrance as the home made ones. How I wish we lived closer. Feliz Navidad a ti y a toda tu familia!
Claudia said…
I had to laugh - I started making my own panettone because I didn't want the hard, dried fruits - just a few soft ones! And I wanted nuts and chocolate. But Cristina, it never looked as festive and beautiful as yours! Lucky girls.
Roadtrek Girl said…
Cristina, I know I sound like I'm repeating myself-but perfection bears repeating-amazing, gorgeous,incredible-I have run out of adjectives to describe your talent and your blog-as far as I'm concerned you are a winner of the highest caliber. I wish I had a beautiful trophy to send to you but instead I send my thanks,for being the wonderful person you are and for sharing this wonderful gift you have. Happy Holidays with much love and respect,
fromBAtoParis said…
@Seattle Pastry Girl

Oh, Sandy !!! I don't know if I merit all that but I would like to thank you enormously...Sometimes, I discourage, so in those moments, I will read your comments ;D
Sylvie said…
A really beautiful holiday cake!
Stunning, but can't you just send me one, Cristina?
Barbara said…
At last, Cristina, a Panettone that is not loaded with that awful
candied fruit! I'm with your girls on that subject.
It's not on my menu this year, but I'm copying your recipe for next year!
Ivana said…
oohh! looks delicious!
merry christmas!!!
pierre said…
this panettone is a killer Bravo Pierre
Anonymous said…
This looks beyond delicious, it looks like a piece of jewelry.
Good heavens, what a delight! Of course, it is EMBELLISHED in such an artful and tasty way. Way to go, Cristina from Buenos Aires to Paris!

fromBAtoParis said…
@ Everybody

Thanks a lot for the lovely comments, and Happy Holidays !!!
Gaby said…
Feliz Nochebuena! Have a lovely time tonight, and a great Christmas tomorrow in company of your family.
Tell us about your menu for the holidays..!
dana said…
that is soooo beautiful! How can anyone possibly eat something so beautiful,i don't understand. And thanks for sharing,even i don't enjoy eating the fruits in the panettone.
Happy Holidays!
dana said…
this look delicious....its soo looking forward for more...
Merry christmas!!!
Magic of Spice said…
I just had a mini panettone earlier today with coffee...No where near as gorgeous as yours, just stunning!