A Dior (?) Cake, or Discussing Luxury with Teenagers !

This cake is the result of a discussion. It all started when we decided to go on "soldes" (sales). My daughter C. said: "Mummy...", with this typical soothing voice, announcer of -I will ask you for something you are not quite going to like.. "Can you buy me a Vuitton or Dior bag?"

My typical, firm answer followed: "We have already discussed this..It is absolutely out of the question, and completely ridiculous....teenagers don't go around in Dior bags..."
"But ALL the girls carry Vuitton bags to school" (and here, by miracle, her sister M. agreed!)
I questioned the arithmetic accuracy of that claim...and continued, once again, trying to make her reflect on the issue: the number of teenagers in the world that don't have enough to eat (which she found convincing for only ten seconds!) Briefly, some minutes later, I was dragging two pouting teenagers around Parisian streets, till we got to the first store (H&M, Zara type) and there with the purchase of the first € 15 T-shirt, "the sun shone on us again"...
Back home, to keep these teenagers busy, we decided to have fun with this concept of luxury, creating for ourselves, and at no extra cost, a "Dior" cake, one that would be fit of a Dior window....

I had suggested a mix of berries, but my daughters decided it had to be only raspberries, because they are "chicissime" (the most "chic"), and then it had to be a macaron cake...because the macaron is the symbol of French refinement. Inside, my family's favorite filling: pastry cream combined with whipped cream...AND the final touch: spraying the macaron with nacre color, to make it look almost like a pearl.... The "girly" touch? the marshmallows on top....!

The girls helped me to assemble the cake...et oui, making the macaron is still mommy's job (see photos in the recipe section)...and in the photo session....(find it also below)
The result? a real, edible luxury item !!

How to make macaron? See my basic recipe here
Then, pipe it as you see in the photo...For that, draw a circle of the desired size (here, 18cm), on parchment paper.

After baking according to instructions, spray with nacre coloring. 
For the pastry cream, follow this recipe here
Then, whisk 250gr of cream into a "soft" Chantilly (I mean not so firm!) The problem is combining both creams! First, the pastry cream has to be cold! and that means it will be a bit too hard...so "loosen" the cream with the whisk, add to it, a small quantity of your Chantilly...combine well. Then add the rest of the Chantilly with big, whisking motions, just a few times if not you will lose texture! Refrigerate!

A short time before serving, pipe the cream, making the same concentric circle like for the macaron. Arrange all the berries around the border, and some in the center. Put the other macaron on top! Decorate with some more raspberries and marshmallows. I used two little boxes of raspberries here....Refrigerate again, till the moment of serving...


What a beautiful macaron cake! So chic.

I'm an adult and don't even own a Dior, let alone buy anything from that brand! ;-P


Miriam said…
It certainly is Dior-worth... Beautiful!
Anonymous said…
WOW !!! This is some achievement ! Combining know-how, imagination, theatrical gifts, photography expertise... as well as satisfying some teenagers' whims and making your readers/followers dream !

Enjoy your Summer and bring back lots of new ideas wherever from !
Anonymous said…
Oh I love this, what a beautiful homage daaaaaahling. It makes me want to take out my piping bags and try to make the dreaded macaron again!
*kisses* HH
p.s. does Dior go on sale in France? I dont think it does here.
Tanya said…
The cake is absolutely beautiful Cristina!
fromBAtoParis said…
@Heavenly Housewife

I have never seen sales in Dior, here in Paris =(
Victoria said…
Solo para decirte Bravo!!! La presentacion como siempre espectacular. Supongo que el sabor..mejor!
Unknown said…
Such a beauty! This cake is more than Dior worthy! I agree with your daughter that a Dior bag, although very extravagant, would be quite nice that maybe a Guess bag might also be acceptable at much more reasonable price;-)
Beautiful cake! And I agree with you on the bags...I bought my first LV at the age of 30 ( only after a big promotion at work ). However I have been lusting for one since I was 11!
Lovely blog! Aloha!
Anonymous said…
FYI: if you come to New York you can actually go to a Dior outlet: http://www.premiumoutlets.com/outlets/store_listing.asp?id=7

Woodbury is the best outlet mall in the States and there are tours that leave from NYC...I just say it's an option. :)

This cake is decadence and gorgeousness defined. Easily worthy of Dior. :) I enjoy the nods to fashion houses you've been making lately, because they have been so creative! Me gusta mucho. :)
Wow I can't believe you made such a large macaron -- go you!
fromBAtoParis said…

Thanks for all the shopping tips!!
Gaby said…
Super très chic ! I can just immagine the crisp macaroon with those velvety raspberries..divine.
By the prop in the photo it looks like mummy has been to Dior...tell us what you got!
Besote, sos una genia.
Sashquatch said…
ohh my goodness! This is so beautiful! Its like the classy lady of the dessert world :) If i attempted to make and move those gorgeous macarons I would 100% end up with shards of meringue everywhere, very impressed!
fromBAtoParis said…

My first Menu Malbec hard-earned "salary" bought me a classic "petit sac new lock"..
Barbara said…
Very glamorous cake, Cristina! I agree with your girls, I much prefer raspberries to strawberries, but I had no idea they were considered "chic". :)
q increible esta torta! sin palabras... hasta mas chic q dior! y el macaron gigante, impresionante!
Looks like someone has been shopping at Dior after all! I spy a Dior bag and box ;-) This is the most luxurious dessert, you have certainly captured the essence of Dior and the luxury brands.
Claudia said…
When my daughter was in high school she thought she needed a Juicy Couture bag. She didn't and finally moved past that. And she also switched to luxury cakes. I agree that raspberries - are what did you say - "chicissme" and the macarons add class. Dior would be proud although saddened by the loss of a sale).
Belen said…
guau!!, super chic.
Lo que le pasa a tu niña es totalmente normal!! ja, ja que sean esos los únicos problemas.
Parece que tienes buena mano para la pasteleria. A mi me gustaría hacer un buen curso, si por fin elijo paris ya me aconsejarás.X
fromBAtoParis said…

Con mucho gusto te aconsejaré, y gracias!
Aldy said…
Ay, Pero elegancia!!!Esta Dior Cake te quedo fascinante. Se ve la influencia teen :)

Preciosa presentacion!


F.emme said…
I was just wondering a few days ago if a cake-sized macaron would work, and here's my answer! Wow!

Now I'm wondering, how does it slice? Is it neat, or does it crumble? How would you ensure that it doesn't crumble? I've never tried to cut a macaron, but for some reason I'm inclined to think that it would crumble for me...
fromBAtoParis said…

I will crumble a bit inevitably...like most French cakes...like the millefeuille! The fact that perfection lasts such a short time makes it more alluring!
Love this cake!!
bravo !!!
Acabo de descubrirte, me encanta tu blog..te sigo..
From Mexico to Argnetina
Un beso
I own a Loui because it was a gift. I rather eat cake....
fromBAtoParis said…
@Food & Travel by Mer

Bienvenida al blog y muchas gracias!!
Lori Lynn said…
Great balancing act Cristina. Your cake is truly more beautiful than any handbag. And you can eat it too. :)
Nieves said…
Buenisima!!! se ve que no solo tenes buena mano para la cocina sino tambien para "distraer"a las chicas jajaja.
Mjosé said…
Un "supermacaron" Dior perfecto. Que idea mas buena , ¿quedaron contentas tus hijas?
Un abrazo
fromBAtoParis said…
@Ma José

No solo las chicas...los hombres de la casa también..glup!
Magic of Spice said…
Ah, teenage wishes...what a wonderful way to make their elegant desires a reality. This macaron cake is nothing short of pure delight!