Chosen by Le Figaro Madame...Yes, I'm in Heaven!!! et Vive la France!!

Et oui....Incredible things do come true sometimes! Just like that, more than a month ago, I got to know that Le Figaro newspaper was organizing a contest, for its magazine "Madame Figaro". A contest to choose the best bloggers in France for each category: Fashion/Beauty - Humor - Food/Design - Society/Culture.

I must admit this caught my attention, but immediately I dismissed it..."It's a contest for the French", I thought....Some days later, in a morning when my sense of self-esteem/craziness was unusually high, I decided to give it a go...What? Incredible things do happen sometimes...I got a mail from the organizers thanking me for my participation, and letting me know that they had received hundreds of applications...
And my life continued as usual: working on a new project, my blog, receiving my friend from Argentina, the trip to Marrakech, my youngest daughter that got sick, buying plants for my balcony....
So, when last Friday night, I saw the name of my blog announced among the 10 of the Food/Design Category, I got a chill...Wow!! Not even under the effect of three "Kir Royal" would I have thought that could become true! ;D An Argentinian, who dares to blog about French cuisine...and in English !!??!!! Even my husband was skeptical...He came in person, in front of the computer screen, to check if I had read well...
That night, when I went to bed, I started thinking about this love affair between me and "la France" This love affair that started almost ten years ago now...I must admit that at the beginning our relationship was rough..After an initial period of "magic spell" came the normal (?) "I-hate-this-country-please-can-God-take-me-back-to-Argentina" bout....
But "la France" reacted calmly, never losing her patience, even a chink distant and seemingly cold (like a French lady) no matter how much I stamped my feet and cried like a little girl in a tantrum...
After my typical, Latin girl "operetta", the logical girl took over (no wonder my Maths teacher in Lycée was so proud of me!), and I started giving "la France" her due...
Ever since we stepped in this country, we have been welcomed and treated as if we were French! When people hear my accent and ask me "Vous êtes espagnole?" , my "Non, je suis argentine" triggers endless anecdotes full of praise for my country (I always joke about that and say that, effectively, all the French are crazy because they love Argentinians!)
All that this country has given us is equality of opportunity, approval, appreciation of our differences, friendship, tenderness....Sometimes I believe that I am more appreciated in France than in my own country..You know..this question of "nobody is a prophet is his own land"...
But at the same time, I know very well the French are strict..strict parents, teachers...You know, they don't go around splurging words of praise being on that list of 10 acquires a special meaning....
April 28th will mark my 10 years in France, and even though you know me, and you know I continue being 100% Argentinian ( and so proud of it) I want to thank this country that has given my family so much, that has marked my life in such a way !! (I would never have cooked if it were not for the French!) 
Have you seen nowadays it is in fashion to renew your marriage vows, after some years of relationship? Well, in spite of our turbulent beginning, in spite of moments of crisis, I renew my vows..I love you, my dearest "la France"...thanks for all you have given me, thanks for making me what I am now, and may God bless you and give you eternal life!
I will always be faithful to you!
The girl from the Pampas...


Congrats! That is awesome.


Mardi Michels said…
Huge huge huge congrats Cristina - you so deserve this! How fabulous to do so well in your adopted country. Enjoy every minute - cheers!
Miriam said…
Enhorabuena, Cristina! Pero francamente, eso solo indica la apertura de mente y el buen gusto de los que eligen... tu blog es estupendo y tienes mucha gracia contando las cosas, lo que no abunda precisamente. Supongo que conocerás el blog de David Lebovitz, que tiene una forma especial de calificar los choques que él tiene con la idiosincrasia francesa... wtf, que no quiere decir "what the fuck", sino "welcome to France", es que me hace mucha gracia. Pero los desencuentros son normales. Y se te ve muy integrada en "La France", francamente ;)
fromBAtoParis said…

Thank you girls! So generous of you!
fromBAtoParis said…

Si, me rio mucho leyendo los comentarios de David, y me hace acordar a mi primera epoca aca..Aunque él ya hace un tiempo que vive aqui, pero calculo que para un americano es aun mas dificil...
Mis hijos han sido maravillosamente aceptados aqui, asi que con eso solo "la France" tiene mi agradecimiento eterno..
Gracias por tus palabras!
fromBAtoParis said…
@Chef Chuck
@Spice Spoon
@Choc and Carrots
@Chic Provence
@la Cuisine Paris
@Kitchen Confidante

Thanks a lot guys for your words on Twitter!!
fromBAtoParis said…
@Heavenly Housewife
@Gourmet Fury
@Lost in Cheeseland
@Gourmande in the Kitchen
@La Fleur de Paris
@Paris ou Ailleurs
@Lemons & Anchovies

Thanks everybody for your kind comments on Twitter!
Chef Chuck said…
Amazing Cristina !! I know you belong with the top, I have seen your abilities and talents. You efforts are incredible... Plus extremely attractive to the eye! I am proud of you :)
I know how you feel, these feeling are new to us, ~ Lets hold that high ~
This was all meant to be, "Enjoy The Ride!!!"
All the best, Chuck
P. S. Thank you, France!
fromBAtoParis said…
@Chef Chuck

How sweet of you Chuck!! I will always remember you as one of my first all-time supporters!
FOODalogue said…
What a beautiful tribute letter to France! You should send it to the magazine and newspapers. I think it's very re-printable.

And, of course, they named you! How could they not? Congratulations.
Susan Lindquist said…
Dear Cristina,

You are a humble young woman! Just remember, praise and recognition come to the deserving. Your 'blog project' has become a wonderful resource to many in the blogging community! As for the Argentinian girl in France writing a blog about French food in English ... perhaps that is one of the many reasons for your recognition ... nothing illustrates the way the Internet has made the world a smaller place and brought more people together than this. Congratulations!
Unknown said…
A big congratulations to you Cristina on this honor, you rock and deserve to be honored by La France your beloved adopted country;-)
Unknown said…
I'm so happy for your Cristina, you deserve it! If the public gets to vote, you have mine!
fromBAtoParis said…

Thanks you girls! The recognition of our peers is as important as any award!
Congratulations! An absolutely wonderful honour.
Wishing you a lovely week!
xoxo, B
I am so happy for you...who needed Foodbuzz...this is a greater accomplishment. I am with Joan of Foodalogue send it to the papers.

Un abrazo!
Anonymous said…
You have done it!!!
I'm really so happy for you!
Enjoy this moment...
Isidoro's mom from BA
fromBAtoParis said…
@ isidoro's Mom

Gracias Silvanita! Y vamos todavia!!


You are absolutely right..Who needed Foodbuzz?!
YAY~good for you! :)

This is definitely right up your alley.
Anonymous said…
Awe Cristina! Congratulations on being in the Top 10 for this contest with Le Figaro Madame-that's so cool! And, yes, any new place is so hard to swallow at first, but France is certainly a very special place with so much to offer. You are too lucky to live there, though I do admit that Argentina sounds like it ROCKS too (smile)...Either way, not living in a 3rd world country is a blessing we must not forget;-)
p.s. I have got to check out your last post!!! I didn't know you went to Morocco...
Gaby said…
Hey Cristina, congratulations!!!
You deserve this for your the dedication, beauty and constant improvement of the articles in your blog.
Looking from the distance to our fawaray land there is something I always say..,when Argentinians do something well, they do it so very well. And you are one of the examples to confirm my golden rule. It could be the discipline that we acquire,cos everything is so hard work over there ( you must know this!), could be that we have to be allways on the ball..I don't know. But you lady have made us proud once more! Big kiss Gaby
Claudia said…
Cristina - this is a huge honor - but so well-deserved. I remember eating at an Argentenian steakhouse in Toulouse (we had to go because there was a line outside every night and we wanted to see what the fuss was) and Argentina and France do seem to blend very well together! Congratulations!
denise @ bread expectations said…
Cristina!! CONTRATULATIONS!!! What wonderful recognition, I couldn't be happier or prouder for a friend :) Please forgive my absence, life at my house has been crazy, I can say no more :P I have neglected my poor blogs and my friends. But I am happy that you have not forgotten me chica....
fromBAtoParis said…

Your words are absolutely true! We have this training for overcoming obstacles every single day! Then, look who's talking? Your blog is great! Thanks for your sweet words!


Don't worry, chica. I have also been a bit absent lately!
Take care!
Graciela P; said…
Vamos, adelante girl of the Pampas! Te pongo todas mis fichas y mis votos. Te seguire y le contare a algunas de las chicas de Beatriz. Sos una grande con pasta de triunfadora y por sobre todo me encanta tu blog mas alla de los votos. Tu estetica me mata....!Besos mil Gra
fromBAtoParis said…
@ Graciela P.

Muuuchas Gracias! Uno siempre necesita también el apoyo de los de su los que nos vieron cuando empezabamos en algo!
Gracias otra vez!
Aldy said…
Cris, Congratulations!!!
Que bueno que te sientas tan comoda y feliz en Francia, creo que cuando se llega a ese punto de estabilidad, uno se siente mas completa en muchos aspectos...y como decis vos muchas veces te aprecian mas afuera que dentro de tu propio pais. Triste pero a la vez gratificante, ya que los logros y las experiencias son aun mayores!

Que sigan los exitos!


Amelia PS said…
Your blog is global and a gift to all of us: que bien, wonderful, tres jolie! How well deserved. Kisses, besos, bisous, Amelia
Sippity Sup said…
Congrats. You have such worldly style. I am unsurprised by their recognition of it. Your Aregentnean in France comment reminded me, every time I come here I want to ask you the same question and then forget. One of my favorite chefs in the world is an Argentinean cooking in the Parisian neighborhood of Belleville. Her name is Racquel Carrena, or something like that... Some of my most memorable meals were had in her restaurant. But I can't remember the name of the restaurant and google doesn't help. Do you know? GREG
fromBAtoParis said…

Yes, I do know her...It's Raquel Carena
Restaurant: Le Baratin
3 rue Jouye_Rouve
75020 Paris TE: 01 43 49 39 70

Enjoy her wonderful cuisine next time you are in Paris!! and Thanks for your comment!!
Anonymous said…
Many congratulations, your blog is amazing, you deserve loads of sucess!
*kisses* HH
Cristina!!!!!!!!!!!! Felicidades!!!!! Bravo!!!!! C'est incroyable!!!!!

I'm so massively thrilled for you! How far the girl from the Pampas has come. And this is only the beginning!!!! :o)

I hope you celebrated with a beautiful bottle of Champagne!
Belen said…
Enhorabuena Cristina, y que bonito lo que cuentas y como lo cuentas. No es extraño que estés tan bien aceptada y compitas en estilo con los propios franceses. Lo haces muy bien y este es tu premio. Felicidades
Magic of Spice said…
Oh Cristina, congratulations this is so fantastic and very well deserved!