April 17th: Malbec World Day...Welcome "Menu Malbec"! (What is Menu Malbec?)

Today is Malbec World Day. In different parts of the world, there will be events related to this "cepage" (wine variety) that originated in France, but reached its splendour in the steep mountains of Mendoza, province of Argentina. If you watch this video, you will not only learn more about Malbec, but you will see some beautiful images of this incredibly beautiful land! 

Now....in what way is Malbec related with me? (apart from the fact that I love drinking it for instance with my Argentinian "asados" (barbecues)- or should I say, more accurately, on any occasion?

For many months now, I have been working on a new project..my first business project, that I decided to call precisely: Menu Malbec ! Will I sell wine? No, I will sell food, Argentinian food, in a sort of catering service, at the beginning, though my idea (dream?) is to open a shop.. (Any investors there?)
Why did I choose this name for my brand? First, because it is easily read in French and Spanish (and English, for that matter..) Second, because the Malbec was born in France and became Argentinian..as if the two countries had melted together to give the best in one product.... and this, precisely, is what I humbly try to do: to blend the best of my culture, of my tradition, of the products originated in Argentina ( or South America) with French "savoir-faire" (know-how) in cooking...I know, it sounds ambitious! It is difficult.... I'm trying to take my Argentinian cooking to another dimension still keeping its roots, its identity...sleepless nights brooding on this!
And then, more challenges, fears: how will the French react to this new culinary offer? Will I ever sell one menu? What if I get one hundred orders on the first day? (?!!...well, one has to be optimistic ;D  Will I ever be able to open a store? (renting a 20m2 shop in Paris is as expensive as a ranch in Montana!) 
But it is my personal bet...a self-challenge! This is why I decided to let you know about this, because this will force me to make it happen! 
I wouldn't dare to disappoint you, my family...but most important, I must not let myself down! The day I started imagining this project, I promised myself to "succeed" in two years! And if I don't succeed, at least, I will be able to say.."I tried..."
But let's not talk about that.... Two years...! Well, "nena" (baby), you have to hurry...the clock is ticking! 



Congrats! That is an awesome püroject.


Congratulations, what an exciting adventure you are starting on! I'm so excited for you. With your passion and enthusiasm I can imagine nothing but the greatest success for you.
Unknown said…
Christina!!!! I am sooo thrilled for you!! This is fantastic and I adore you for the courage to take the step forward!!!! LOVE the idea!!!!

Yes, I know the challenges. NYC is much the same and I have been toying with the same idea for a while, but cannot execute since the costs are prohibitive ... (someday)..

Meanwhile I am going to root you on.. I believe you are going to be a roaring success!!! WOOHOOO!!!:))))

HUGS and High Fives!!!!
Anonymous said…
I wish you the best and I know you will succeed. Menu Malbec will be known and accepted.

Mucha pero mucha suerte. Loca por ver el menu.
Claudia said…
Malbec is one of my favorite wines - so the name would already draw me in - good thinking. I love the fusion of your worlds. And wishing you the best of luck - even though I know luck has nothing to do with it!
FOODalogue said…
Somos hermanas...I, too, drink malbec on any occasion. It is my vino de choice!

So this is very exciting about Menu Malbec. I look forward to learning more about it and wish you un gran exito!
Wishing you much success on your exciting new endeavor! I believe when you are passionate about something you believe in, you will succeed. xoxo, B
Unknown said…
Good luck with Menu Malbec, Cristina. Knowing your delicious and innovative food, I know your business will be a big hit in France! When you have your shopfront someday, don't forget us all in the blogging world!
Congrats, Cristina! Here's to making the dream a reality :)
Gaby said…
Cristina! Jaw dropping news!
I am so glad you have decided to become an ambassador of our fantastic food.
I have always appreciated our food ( my hips can tell!) but since I had the opportunity to compare it with others..even more! that mixture of cultural influences, taking the very best of each.
I wish you all the very best. Que nervios! you are a very brave lady, but one that produce flawless dishes.
At what stage are you with the planning?
I am so happy for you!
fromBAtoParis said…
Thanks a lot for your encouraging comments! I hope this will come true!
How exciting, your new business venture!! Go for it! I'm behind you 100% Wish you were here in Toronto, though, so I can sample your menu!

A friend's friend that I know owns a vintage wine store here in Toronto. She's Argentinian and she sells fabulous Argentinian wines! Yesterday, the shop celebrated Malbec day with some fine tastings and presentations. And because I just came back from Buenos Aires, I am totally obsessed with the "Paris of South America". Thanks for all your kind recommendations, by the way. Loved them! I will be looking forward to more news about Menu Malbec!!!! Post lots of photos, please!
Warm congratulations to you!
Wishing you the very best on this project, dear lady;-)
Mjosé said…
Has tenido muy buena idea.
Mucha suerte!
Belen said…
Suerte y animo.!!!
q buen proyecto! y me encanta q lo estes empezando a hacer realidad! mucha merd! y ya nos enteraremos del proceso por aca, no?
Magic of Spice said…
So fantastic! I am so excited for you and love the name...I know it will be amazing :)
Anonymous said…
So, this project that I was lucky to know about when it was only still budding, is going PUBLIC !
All the best of luck and I cannot wait to see the final menu.
I know Paris is maybe not the easiest place to start a cooking business, but all the higher the challenge and you have a lot of assets. If others (b.foreigners!)with less talent succeeded, YOU must make a hit !
