Today's Appetizer: Blue Cheese/Pear Crostini

If you have been following my blog regularly ( and I hope you have...., please, read me !! ) you must be sugar-comatose by now, so time for a change ! What's more, with the nice warm weather, one loves inviting friends for a casual favourite? A rosé d'Anjou...yes! as simple as that !!! a bottle must cost 6 euros, but "moi? J'adore !!!!" (I love it!), you see? I am not an "expensive" girl after all...( husband does not have the same opinion ;D
So this type of "crostini" is perfect for evening drinks....and so easy to make !

I started writing this post after the Easter long weekend, that here in France included Monday. So Tuesday morning, when all the family left (Oh, glorious moment!) I hesitated between starting my "balcony gardening" (too cold outside, plants can wait)......

...doing the housework (depressing way of starting the after-long-weekend week)..., going to the gym (to lose the extra kilo gained succumbing to the pleasure and temptations of an Easter chocolaté in Paris...maybe too early for that ! ), or writing my post...planning my post!
So still dressed in my "robe de chambre", cup of coffee in my hand, I decided to write in my living room, inundated with soft morning spring light, ready to jot down ideas...but I got lost.. (Lost in Translation?), I got lost in my mind was "suspended" like my chandelier... chandelierS ( have you found the 3?, kind of Where's Waldo game!) and my thoughts wandered from crystal to crystal....under the spell of the kaleidoscope of lights...and when the spell was broken....a long time had passed! well, clearly, as the Spanish singer, Joan Manuel Serrat says in one song..."the muses were on vacation", so I stood up, and briskly made my way to the kitchen, to give you these Blue Cheese / Pear Crostini, that I hope you'll enjoy...

This is what you need to make these blue cheese / pear crostini:

Click for the ingredients and recipe .......

(recipe for 2 big crostini, multiply according to your needs)

 * slices of bread, 2, (here I used Poilâne with nuts)
 * blue cheese (here Roquefort), 2 tablepoons + some extra to sprinke
 * mascarpone cheese, 2 tablespoons
 * pears, 1
 * mâche, or lettuce, or radish/alfalfa sprouts
 * nuts, coarsely chopped, 3
 * poppy seeds (optional)
 * butter, 1 tablespoon
 * balsamic vinegar (aceto balsamico), 1 tablespoon
 * olive oil, salt and pepper.

Take the 2 slices of bread ( even though crostini are sometimes thicker, I used thin slices, since it seems more refined to me), brush then with olive oil and toast them in the oven (180°C), 5', till they are crispy. For decoration, I brushed with oil the edges of the slices of bread to stick the poppy seeds. You can use other seeds if you want to, like linseeds...

Peel the pear, and slice it, not too thin, since you don't want a compote. Sautée the pear in the butter, till it begins to have a golden colour and it is slightly tender. Add a little sugar, but very little, to caramelise. The last minute, add one tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, to deglaze the pan. Remove from the fire. Reserve two big slices for decoration as you see in the pictures. Slice the rest in little cubes. 
Make a spread combining well the blue cheese and mascarpone. Spread it on your crostini. Place on top some green leaves (of your choice), the pear cubes, some little blue cheese cubes, some chopped nuts, the big slice of pear (to make your point!) and sprinkle the whole with the juices of the pear caramel. You can add some small untreated flower petals for extra colour.
Don't make it wait otherwise the crostini will lose its crispiness!

Difference between this photo and the first one? (Waldo again...) Here, I DID remember to add the blue cheese dice....I told you at the beginning....the muses were on vacation !
Enjoy !


Miriam said…
Crostini con pan Poilâne! Eso debe ser la bomba... además, te has ganado mi corazón citando a Serrat... ;D
fromBAtoParis said…
Qué quieres chica....entre Serrat, Sabina y Sanz, tu tierra "me mata " de amor...
Gracias !!
Anonymous said…
You have such a fantastic way of making everything so beautiful. These crostini are simply gorgeous!
*kisses* HH
p.s. am now craving Poilane bread
fromBAtoParis said…
@ Heavenly Housewife: How sweet you are ! Next time you are in Paris, I'll take you on a gastronomic tour if you want !!!
Denise said…
Cristina, you could make an empty coffee cup look mouthwatering! Everything you do is beautiful sigh I try so hard not to be jealous LOL Ahh!!! You get Poilane bread?! Now I really am jealous!!! ;)
Lazaro Cooks said…
Beautiful vibrant photos. The crostini looks amazing.
I second the "j'adore" comment. Fabulous photos too of a terrific appetizer that would please anyone.
Gourmantic said…
Would you believe no restaurant/cafe/bistro I went into when I was in Paris last year had Poilane bread?

Your crostini look delicious. And I'd like your Lessiveuse planter, please! :)
Susie said…
Amazing crostini and caramelized pear!, just amazing,
I love the photo of the ingredients in the basket -- still life captured beautifully!
Cherine said…
this is a great appetizer!
bunkycooks said…
Beautiful photos...can I come visit you in Paris? ;) Everything looks so much better there!
Looks like a great appetizer, it feels like something new, with new fun flavors!
Denise said…
Hey Cristina :) CONGRATS!!!!! Told ya everything you touch becomes beauuuuuuuuuuuuutiful!!! :D
fromBAtoParis said…
Thanks dear foodies and Foodbuzz....This crostini made the Top 9 today !!!!!
Lazaro Cooks said…
Thank you for stopping by the blog and commenting. In my estimation cooking is a philosophy, a way of life. An opportuniy to create and honestly express the self. Have a great weekend. Gracias!
Lazaro Cooks said… made the food buzz top 9...awesome...Dale...Siempre Palante!
Chef Chuck said…
Cristina, That is "Crostini Heaven!!"
I am getting hungry now :)
Barbara said…
My favorite salad has caramelized pear, lettuce, walnuts, blue cheese and chicken in it. So this crostini is right up my alley!
It's a lovely presentation too...your photo is mouth-watering!
I came back for a second bite of that great pear crostini because it is so good. It must be fabulous to be able to buy Poilane bread. Lucky you. I did find the third chandelier but it took a minute. Thanks for reminding us to pause there and find the third one.

Thanks again for visiting my blog. A visit to you and Paris is always a treasure.
Monica said…
Absolutamente delicioso. Y las fotos un placer para la vista, como siempre.

Graciela said…
Yessss!!! This will be great, your recipes in Spanish...Sííííí !!!
Et quand tu voudras je les traduis en Français!!! Pourquoi pas? Por qué no? Why not?


The Blonde Duck said…
Popped in to say hi! This looks delicious--so elegant!
Stella said…
Hey Cristina, this looks wonderful, and I'm glad to see some not so sweet food from you. I love blue cheese with pear and that bread looks rustic-I really like that!
By the way, I was thinking about your eye for beautiful things the other day. This post and your photography here just speaks to that...
Besos y Sinceridad Tambien, Stella
fromBAtoParis said…
@ Stella: Thanks again ! I missed you !!

@ The Blonde duck: Welcome to my blog !!! Thanks

@ Graciela: Gracias por el entusiasmo, veremos como me va con el castellano !!!

@ My Carolina Kitchen: Thanks for re-visiting and re- commenting !!! So generous of you !!!
Visiting from Quickies on the Table's site! What a gem of a blog you have. I am now following
Shamrocks and Shenanigans
fromBAtoParis said…
@Shamrocks and Shenanigams:

Welcome to my blog and thanks for your comment!
today I cooked this recipe and my husband G was delighted! It's quite easy and very tasteful.
fromBAtoParis said…
@ Graciela:

Thank you and welcome to my blog!!