Once Upon a Time....My Summer Barbecue Weekends in Buenos Aires !

This past weekend, thanks to the immense generosity and love of my friends and neighbors, Silvana and Pablo, I re-experience what my life used to be like in Buenos Aires, before coming to Paris....
The weekend barbecue is a must, a ritual for the Argentinians, so much more in the summer, where with light clothes (or even swimwear) we start lighting up the fire....Men are usually in charge of that, and ladies begin to prepare the "picada", that is some sort of appetizers, to be eaten while the "asado" (barbecue) is grilling at its slow pace...! I always warn: "Don't exaggerate with the "picada" ...then, nobody eats the meat!!

Here we have some salami, some brie cheese (of Argentinian production) and some smoked deer  that Pablo had brought from a trip to Bariloche....Contrary to the image that most people have, the south of Argentina..Patagonia, is rich in specialties made with deer, wild boar, trouts, salmon, and berries of all types....Silvana grows strawberries and raspberries in a little orchard, at the back of her garden, and in pots, for decoration! 

Here we can take a glimpse of Pablo's "parrilla" (grill) Very neatly, he has organised the "tira de asado" (spare ribs) , and the "vacio"and entraña (flank). These are special cuts and will never never understand why cows are cut differently in different latitudes! Then, he has added some champignons, to please the "French" visitors....some "provoletas" (Provolone cheese with oregano, and dried pepper flakes melted in special ceramic pans !) and our "chorizos" (not relatives of the Spanish ones, but rather some sort of sausage) with which we make a sandwich called the "choripan"!!

Would you believe this cat is French? Yes, it was a stray cat that I decided to adopt, when I was living in Pau, in 2005. And just to prove that black cats can be very lucky, "he" travelled from Pau to Paris to Buenos Aires in business class! He lived with us two years in our home, and then, having to return to France, I noticed that he was too happy on the Argentinian soil, so Silvana volunteered to take care of him....

This is Silvana's dog, Isidoro, a shepherd of Bern, that is some sort of "bodyguard" for my cat!

Barbecue lunches in Argentina last till the evening ! When the sun begins to set, it is time for  our mate ! I know what you are going to think...that this is the most "unhealthy" tradition on Earth....yes, we drink mate using that metal straw, and the same mate, and therefore the same straw is used by all the group of friends....Well, it is a deep ingrained tradition in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and the south of Brazil, that we are NOT going to change no matter what doctors in other countries might say....Generations and generations of south Americans have taken mate for centuries, and noone has ever died for far!!! I guess more people die from air pollution, chemicals in food, and other things...
Why do we so stubbornly stick to this tradition? Because sharing a mate is more than drinking an infusion..it is an act of friendship, of trust, of sharing your feelings...When a friend phones you telling you he/she has a problem, we immediately say: "Come home for a round of mates" And the mate will be the witness of the most intimate confessions...
This is a glimpse of my life, before moving to Paris..Do I miss it? A lot!! Mind you, I love living in Paris !!! and I adapted vey well to French life !! but I guess somewhere this is my essence...the place, the customs I will always belong to.....


A wonderful BBQ! Very enjoyable.


Anonymous said…
I can hear the smiles in your writing! It is so great to catch a glimpse of your 'other' life! And how wonderful for you that you have such amazing family across the globe now! I love seeing the grill and the cooked cheeses and sausage- it is still cold and snowy here and I'm dreaming of summer!
Anonymous said…
This looks so wonderful, I'd love to go to an Argentinean barbecue! It looks really relaxed :)
I really relate to you about missing where you come from. I think everyone loves there home town best, but I think Paris is a pretty awesome consolation :D
*kisses* HH
Anonymous said…
To me there is nothing like the Argentine BBQ. My favorite and I cannot wait for this Summer. We usually go to our friends in New Jersey were we find everything...even the mate and I have my own cup....
Gaby said…
Cristina! you have just made me cry..in a nice way of course.
I could have never described any better all the nice things you have said about the lovely asado and mate from our "home".
It doesn't matter what social class people belong to, asado and mate will always remain everyone's favourite.
I remember a recent conversation with my dad..we were in the Tigre market and feeling a bit peckish and tempted by a fabulous aroma coming from a parrilla stall near the market, we decided to go for a Choripan..to cut a the story short, we started talking about food from here there and everywhere and to conclude we wondered...all those pompous cheffs (and people too) that often accuse certain foods of not being "that" chic or refined...have they ever tasted a CHORIPAN??
I can see why you miss it! It sounds like life back home was full of tradition.
FOODalogue said…
The summer barbecue looks very inviting. I love the scene, the food, and the ambience. But I'll skip the mate in favor of an additional Malbec! ;)
Stella said…
Hey Cristina, it looks like you guys had such a wonderful BBQ. I know I'm a vegetarian, but I kind of love the idea of an Argentinian Barbecue. It sounds so family oriented and full of deliciousness (smile). I like both of those things...
Ooh, and I love those old school mate servers. I've actually been looking for one-probably need to go to Miami for that. I just don't want to make the 25 minute drive;)
Asha @ FSK said…
I love your cat and his "bodyguard" :))) gorgeous sunny weather.. I wish I was there with you :)
Fran said…
Beautiful scene and picture you've painted. I'm drawn to the provoleta though. I didn't know there was a special vessel to cook it in. Now I know exactly what to use! Thanks
q lindo paso, espero lo estes disfrutando y q tengas unas lindas vacaciones aca cerca! ;)
Cherine said…
A great bbq, gorgeous weather, and lovely company!! What more can you ask for!! Enjoy your vacation!
Wonderful barbecue, and beautiful traditions - so easy to understand why you would miss them :)
Barbara said…
I assume the provoletas are in those two pans that resemble frying pans. Very unusual appetizer...and I bet it's marvelous. Nothing better than melted cheese. :)
The barbecue looks wonderful, Cristina! Such variety and I loved the photos; traditions are so important in any culture. It was fun reading about yours.

But I must say, although Paris is not your real "home" you must love it as a divine second home.
Mjosé said…
Que bien se te ve de vacaciones. Pásalo muy bien. Por cierto la barbacoa tiene una pinta buenísima.
Unknown said…
Looks amazing, I would love to be there to partake in this tradition!
What a wonderful visual stroll through your world, it looks like such a relaxing and inviting place to be. I love that even the cat is a world traveler!
this brings me so many wonderful memories of my trip to Argentina. Especially Bariloche where my husband and I had the best picada at Familia Weiss, including deer pate. the best! Thank you for sharing this! xo!
Unknown said…
Thanks for sharing such good times in Buenos Aires! Your photos of such a lovely BBQ are making me long for Summer, travel, good friends, food and traditions;-) I can see why you love Paris but always have a place for Argentina in your heart.
Liren said…
Hi Cristina! I think I am, at least in my soul, an honorary Argentinian, because this, to me, the weekend barbecue is how we love to spend our summers. My husband has always spoken of doing the expat life, and I think if he saw this post and all the delicious cuts of meat, he would be packing his bags. So glad you were able to visit home!
Belen said…
Que buena la vuelta a casa ¿no?, y esos encuentros familia y amigos alrededor de las comidas tradicionales. Felices vacaciones!!!
Chef Chuck said…
Hello Cristina, This looks like too much fun!!
I love that sausage outdoors ....
Enjoy ;)
All the best,Chuck
Magic of Spice said…
Oh wow how wonderful everything looks, from the food to the scenery...just beautiful :)
Claudia said…
This post exudes your essence and your love of two places. I love the tradition of "mate." And I adore the glowing reports from home.
tasteofbeirut said…
My cousin has traveled the world over and she told me Argentina is the one place she would wish to relocate to. she has even lived in paris 25 years! i am sure these leisurely bbq's are part of the appeal!
Lori Lynn said…
Such a lovely post Cristina...who wouldn't miss such a beautiful place?
Maria B said…
What a wonderful post. I could not agree more with your last sentences. My memories of home are so closely related with traditions and food and they are what I miss most when being away
Nancy said…
Such a beautiful and delicious post Cristina. I love these all day events around food, friends and family. All of the food looks delicious and the pets are adorable.
Ameena said…
What a beautiful site you have! I am so glad I stumbled over here from Heavenly Housewife.

I almost made it to Argentina nearly 2 years ago but because of the swine flu our flight was cancelled. But I am even more inspired to get there soon. Love your photos!
Amelia PS said…
that's the way to live life, gorgeous photographs and wonderful banquette.
...and I completely agree on passing the mate (no health warnings attached!). Personally, I think that eating a surgically industrial clean big Mac is WAAAAYYY more unhealthy that passing mate among friends :)
fromBAtoParis said…
@ Amelia PS

At last!!! Someone who understands us! Thanks Amelia!
En México es igual, los domingos son de carne asada preparada en la parrilla en el jardin, al lado de la piscina.

Bien dicen que uno se da cuenta lo que tiene hasta que lo ve perdido!.